The series is adapted from Haro Aso's manga series of the same name. A group of young people who fall into the quiet and deserted streets of Tokyo are caught in the middle of an extraordinary event. A gambling game is controlled by a mysterious force that threatens the real world. Our main characters are in this game and have to accomplish various tasks to survive.
Mysterious quests and puzzles to be solved in the series form the basis of the game. Players must successfully complete these missions using intelligence and strategy. Each step could determine their chances of survival.
Under the title "Alice in Borderland: The Art of Survival in an Alternative Universe", this exciting project, inspired by the series and the game, offers players a tense experience. This game, which is an ideal option for those looking for intelligence, strategy and excitement at all levels, is in an alternative universe. It awaits those who want to discover the art of survival. Dive into the game and get ready for an extraordinary adventure!
Meryem Dilara on İZÜ Computer Engineer
Ömer Faruk Malikoğlu on İZÜ Computer Engineer